الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
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جامعة البحرين تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس"أستاذ - أستاذ مشارك"

الخميس 21/أكتوبر/2021 - 03:14 م

تعلن جامعة البحرين عن  وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس"أستاذ - أستاذ مشارك" وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:



The University of Bahrain is in the process of offering a number of academic posts to suitable applications at various levels (Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor). For the academic year 2021/2022

College of Health and Sport Sciences
The Allied Health Department

  • Radiological Sciences: (Specialties: Ultrasound Technology, Diagnostic Radiologic Technology (CT/MRI), Radiology physics, Safety and Quality control)
  • Pharmacy: (Pharmaceutics, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy)
  • Medical Laboratory: (Clinical Chemistry, Medical Microbiology, and Molecular Cytogenetic)


Recruitment Conditions:

  1. Must have a PhD degree from a recognized.
  2. Should have worked at least three years in a recognized University and have teaching experience and academic work in English.
  3. Must have published scientific papers during the last three years in reputed journals indexed in Scopus or web of science. (Publications in non-indexed journals will not be considered).
  4. Having experience in the supervision of master students and other related tasks is preferable. 
  5. Must have experience in teaching (At least three years for Assistant Professor, and five years for Professor and Associate Professor).


Applications Must Include:

  1. Curriculum vitae (C.V.) with personal photo.
  2. A clear photocopy of the applicant’s required qualifications (Ph.D.- Master’s- Bachelor’s).
  3. Work experience certificates of the periods mentioned in the C.V.
  4. Academic promotion letter for Professors and Associate Professors only.
  5. Applications should be uploaded through the university portal.



  1. Please type your application neatly and clearly and describe your academic roles and duties.
  2. Mention the required position & department on the first page.
  3. Any application that does not meet the requirements will be rejected.
  4. It is preferable to add the equivalency of the certificate to the Bahraini degrees (from the Ministry of Education) if applicable.
  5. The University of Bahrain will reply to considered applicants only. Please avoid contacting the staff at the University of Bahrain.