الإثنين 07 أكتوبر 2024
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
محمد ابراهيم نافع
رئيس التحرير
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مدرسة جبل علي في دبي تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين

الثلاثاء 04/يناير/2022 - 10:47 م

تعلن مدرسة جبل علي في دبي عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

طريقة التقديم بهذه الوظائف التقديم يتم من خلال الذهاب إلى الرابط الآتي:-

Welcome to JAS!

JAS is a great place to work; we have one of the highest staff retention rates in the UAE so we know we are doing something right. You will be busy and you will work hard but our unique Not-for-Profit community ethos makes JAS a very special place. We look forward to receiving your application. Should you have any questions or queries please direct them to [email protected]

JAS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students, we follow best practice Safeguarding procedures from recruitment through to day to day life at the school. Successful applicants will be subject to relevant national police checks, please read our safeguarding information​.

Closing Date: 02 January 2022

Start Date: August 2022

Reference Number: PRIAHT

Contract:  Full Time

Application Form
Application Form.docx
About JAS
About JAS 2020.pdf
Child Protection
JAS Child Protection Policy.pdf
This Job Description may be adjusted by the Headteacher according to the changing needs of the school. This post is subject to the conditions of employment contained in the Jebel Ali School contract and to work in line with new COVID guidelines in supporting students and staff.


Role Summary: Model the school’s vision through own practice and professionalism, understanding that better is always possible through all facets of school life and to ensure that the high expectations of the school are met by all stakeholders. 


Contribute to the Primary School Improvement Plan (PSIP), delivering necessary intervention to ensure that the drivers are met. 

The AHT provides support for the Headteacher (HT) and the Deputy Headteachers (DHTs) in the day to day running of the school and can deputise in the absence of the DHTs.


Role Responsibilities:

The current staff handbook describes duties which are required to be undertaken by all teachers in the course of their employment. In addition certain particular duties are reasonably required to be exercised, and completed in a satisfactory manner. It is the contractual duty of the post holder to ensure that his/her professional duties are discharged effectively.

This job description sets out the duties to be undertaken and performed to the satisfaction of the HT and Governing Body (GB) by the post holder. 


Developing Innovation within Learning and Teaching:

Coordinate, support and lead the JAS Vision through:

Developing creative teaching and learning techniques, based on relevant research. 

Teach/model lessons in classes across the school, demonstrating excellence in professional classroom practice.

Take a strategic role in the development of new and emerging technologies to enhance and extend the learning experience of pupils. 

Contribute to the effective implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework.

Close liaison with Core Curriculum Leaders and DHTs to support and develop innovative lesson delivery within the JAS curriculum.

Close liaison with the appropriate leaders, play a key role in the support of the development of enterprise, enquiry research, critical thinking and use of learning technologies at JAS.

Developing parental understanding of JAS’ vision, curriculum and pedagogy.


Work alongside the Primary Leadership Team (PLT), Curriculum Leaders and Subject Leaders to develop and improve attainment and progress through innovative lesson delivery on the key performance indicators:

Learning skills

Social responsibility and enterprise


Curriculum adaptation


Leading and Managing:

Work with the HT, DHTs, staff and governors in the development, implementation and review of school improvement plans including regular monitoring and evaluation of standards and quality of provision. This includes assisting with assessment and reporting procedures, analysis and impact. 

Work with the whole staff to develop a strong learning environment that has at its centre high expectations of learning, work, performance, academic achievement and behaviour. 

Work in very close partnership with the PLT in the effective day to day management of the school and school community including:

Inducting, supporting and monitoring the impact and progress of new staff. 

Management of voluntary helpers, work experience students and trainee teachers ensuring all safeguarding requirements are met. 

Assist in the professional development of staff of all designations. Advise other staff and lead INSET for staff and governors when required to do so. 

Lead assemblies, staff meetings and staff training sessions.

Manage the supply cover, recruitment and development of the school’s Learning Assistants, including the leadership of the Lead Learning Assistant. 

Managing referral for students with SEND (Pebble system) by working with the Primary SENCO and leading on the implementation and development of: EAL and Needs Based Learning Assistants (NBLAs).

Manage the School Counsellor Referral System, evaluating its effectiveness.

Be part of the Primary Child Protection Team, liaising with relevant external agencies and ensuring that the school’s Safeguarding Policy is adhered to. 


Quality Assurance:

Work closely with PLT to monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning through teachers’ planning, work sampling and scrutiny, lesson observations, supporting auditing and reporting outcomes, successful or otherwise and planning next steps and future actions.



Play a significant part in promoting and facilitating good relationships with parents, other agencies and the wider school community.

Support and encourage all staff at the school to find and use opportunities to support the development of the whole child.

Work proactively with outside agencies, community organisations, and other schools and promote the sharing of good practice.

Assist the PLT in hosting and organising whole school events, curriculum and parents’ events.

Being actively involved in the outward promotion of the school’s innovation by contributing to articles, webinars, presentations and partnerships with schools and universities in Dubai and around the world.


General Tasks and Activities:

Undertake full responsibility for all matters relating to the school in the absence of either the DHTs.

Work flexibly in the presence of the HT/DHT to assist the smooth day to day management of the school, working closely with all staff.

Assist in the review, development and implementation of policies.

Effectively manage duty rotas.

Assist DHTs with primary school timetabling in close liaison with our secondary colleagues.

Undertake professional training for all aspects of school leadership and management and keep up to date with new initiatives across the curriculum.

Other duties and responsibilities:

Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified. The post holder is expected to comply with any reasonable request from the PLT to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description. This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the HT and will be reviewed regularly.




Degree level qualification.

Qualified Teacher Status e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

Senior Leadership experience

Experience of having impact when leading and managing significant school development and self evaluation.

Extensive and up to date knowledge of National Curriculum and changes to assessment, including EYFS.

A thorough knowledge of the features of outstanding teaching.

Excellent ICT skills.


Strong interpersonal and communication skills to effectively manage areas of responsibility and liaise with all key contacts.

Emotionally intelligent with excellent relationship building skills.

Ability to use a wide range of communication channels to effectively manage the operations of the areas of responsibility applying tact and diplomacy in their communication with others. Understand the need to adapt communication style to suit the audience.

Excellent presentation skills.

Ability to maintain a professional, confident and positive manner.

Capacity to maintain the respect and discipline of staff and pupils. 

Conviction to maintain complete confidentiality regarding school, staff or children's information and knowledge. 

Team skills:

Ability to:

Adapt quickly to constantly changing priorities and demands.

Apply analytical thinking to solve problems and/or resolve conflict.

Work hard, manage a work-life balance and maintain a sense of humour.

Take direction from, as well as contribute to the PLT. 

Proactively lead and manage the role with independence and common sense.

Ability to constantly reflect, know when you’re wrong and apologise 

Maintain complete confidentiality about all matters relating to internal team/school discussions

Leadership/Management skills:

Ability to support and contribute to strategic decisions taken by the PLT.

Ability to effectively delegate responsibilities to others in the school team, to ensure the successful operations of the areas of responsibility.  

Able to lead by example and motivate staff.

Ability to support the HT and DHTs with best financial practice wherever necessary. 

A good understanding of school leadership and management.


Responsibility: Member of the Primary Leadership Team

Responsible for the day to day running of the primary school

To whom responsible: Primary Headteacher

Direct Reports: Primary SENCO, Core Curriculum Leaders

Jebel Ali School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students. The successful candidate will be subject to relevant national police 

وفي سياق أخر أكد رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الدكتور مصطفى مدبولي، أن الحكومة تستهدف من تنفيذ منظومة التغذية المدرسية  اتاحة وجبات تتضمن العناصر الغذائية المتكاملة والتى تقدم للطلاب على مستوى المراحل التعليمية المختلفة بدءاً من مرحلة رياض الأطفال، وصولاً للمرحلة الثانوية، تغذية مناسبة لمرحلته العمرية وذلك وفقا للمناطق التي تستهدفها في جميع محافظات الجمهورية، والتي تشمل طلاب التعليم العام، أو الأزهرى، ووفقا لتكليفات الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي.

جاء ذلك خلال ترأس رئيس الوزراء لاجتماع، الحكومة اليوم الإثنين؛ من أجل متابعة الموقف التنفيذي لمنظومة التغذية المدرسية، وذلك بحضور الدكتور طارق شوقي، وزير التربية والتعليم وعدد من الوزراء والمسئولين.