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مدرسة ريان بأبوظبي تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات

الخميس 13/يناير/2022 - 02:24 م

تعلن مدرسة ريان في أبوظبي عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

التقديم يتم من خلال الذهاب إلى الرابط الآتي:-

وفي سياق أخر أكدت مصادر قريبة من مجلس الوزراء أنه سوف يتم البدء في تنفيذتوجيهات رئاسة الجمهورية لمجلس الوزراس والتي تتضمن الزيادات المالية والخاصة بانتقال العاملين بالدولة للعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة.

وتضمنت توجيهات السيسي الآتي:

-الانتقال للحي الحكومي بالعاصمة وذلك لبدء العمل لفترة تجريبية 6 شهور.

- الانتقال إلي العاصمة الجديدة سوف يطبق علي عدد محدد من العاملين في الوزارت

- الانتقال سوف يتبعة برامج تدريب وزيادات مالية 2000 جنيه حد أدني كبدل انتقال.


Life at Ryan is about giving your career the best you have ever wanted. From a strong academic foundation to the knowledge of spiritual personality, the Ryan way is about holistic development in its true sense. You get to be with the best little minds in the country. Minds that are alive and brimming with stories.

You get to work on training & teaching tools that are path breaking and revolutionary. The Ryan Group has in place the best academic systems that are changing the way the world looks at education. The group’s quality processes are cutting edge and the sharpest in the education field.

Ryan International School, Greater Noida believes that learning happens everywhere and provides hands-on experience of concepts taught in class. Teachers are encouraged to empathise with social issues and undertake remarkable initiatives to nurture young minds.

Because of its sheer size and spread across the country, The Ryan International Group of Institutions can provide a facility of relocation to any staff in need.

The Ryan Group works together as a team, establishing trust, dignity and respect for all. Take a look at these honest words from teachers who give tribute to the Ryan Group for their successes.

My teaching career began in the 1990's and before I joined Ryan International School in 2009, I already had a rich experience of 14 years. But, I would say with emphasis that I have never felt so motivated and empowered to teach before, as now. Teaching in the institution has proved an extremely valuable experience for me and I have grown in confidence, adaptability and knowledge, as a result. The members of the management and the Principal are highly supportive and are always inclined to equip and upgrade the teachers for this dynamic academic world. My journey at Ryan has been enriching and I feel that it will continue to enhance and develop into a positive graph of success. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Chairman Sir and Managing Director Madam for providing an amicable & conducive work environment, which gives each one of us free access to excel and be a part of learning along with the children.

- Poonam Kharbanda
I take immense pride in being associated with the premier institution Ryan International School Greater Noida, and as a founding teacher it gives me satisfaction that I have been able to see not only my personal growth along with the school but have also been able to touch the lives of countless children.

My roots are deeply embedded in Ryan International School first as a student at the Greater Noida school, and then as a founding teacher, since its inception in 2003. My growth from a teacher of standard 4th till a section incharge today speaks volumes of the trust the institution and my mentors Dr. A.F. Pinto, Madam Grace Pinto and my Principal Ms. Sudha Singh have showered me with. My job as a teacher is not just a job - it is a passion and I am proud to live my passion daily and keep contributing to the growth of the future of one Nation - our children.

- Ms. Rashmi Singh
I am fortunate to be a teacher in Ryan International School, Greater Noida where the school fosters a proper environment for teacher development and I am one of the luckiest members who has been given the chance to be innovative in my field, such that my lessons can capture the best students and help them gain confidence.

The level of care and trust that the management have in their teachers is so unique and special that I feel loved, supported & cheered from the moment I signed on. It has been more than 15 years of my service in the school and I feel it’s my second home. All us teachers work together to make sure that our students are getting a quality education. This is an organisation that not only says they care about work-life balance, but is willing to put these words into action. I feel great and take the pride to be a part of a group that takes meaningful steps towards turning our philosophy and values into action.

- Sushmita Sharma
At Ryan, I feel motivated and empowered to teach. Ryan is an impressive organization that makes educators feel supported and equipped in their efforts to change lives.

I feel honored to work with such professional and positive people. Integrity is a very important value to me and I feel right at home amongst the staff at Ryan. Everything they do oozes integrity and excellence; it's so refreshing.

I have chosen to be part of Ryan because I am interested in promoting a different kind of classroom, a different kind of educational approach. I believe children can be the main participants in class, the ones who discover the knowledge, while the teachers channel their efforts in the right direction. I want the students to feel empowered and have control of the newly acquired information. I want them to strengthen their own characters and diversify their own personalities. This is what our society needs and we, as teachers, have to help our students build it.This is what we are doing at Ryan and it is a matter of pride to be a Ryan teacher.

- Shubha Rastogi
I joined the esteemed organisation 26 years back in my early twenties, since then it has been a very successful journey. It is a school with a difference as it is completely child centric which makes a teacher more and more innovative to motivate the students in a very healthy way which in turn helps to build a symbiotic relationship.

The school provides exposure to various tools and other teaching activities like motivational workshops, enhancing teacher skills according to changing times, children grooming activities, enhancing values in students etc.The school offers great work culture which keeps everyone on their toes, making situations challenging & exciting which prevents boredom and monotony. I have gained immense experience in leading the team by example under the able guidance of our principal ma'am Ms. Sudha Singh, in handling events like Competitions, Sports Day, Annual day and promotional activities outside school independently. I’ve always felt proud to be working here and being a part of this esteemed organization.

- Manju Joshi