الإثنين 07 أكتوبر 2024
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
محمد ابراهيم نافع
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مدرسة جبل علي تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات

السبت 25/ديسمبر/2021 - 03:51 م

تعلن مدرسة جبل علي الإماراتية عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

التقديم يتم من خلال الذهاب إلى الرابط الآتي:-

Welcome to JAS!

JAS is a great place to work; we have one of the highest staff retention rates in the UAE so we know we are doing something right. You will be busy and you will work hard but our unique Not-for-Profit community ethos makes JAS a very special place. We look forward to receiving your application. Should you have any questions or queries please direct them to [email protected]

JAS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students, we follow best practice Safeguarding procedures from recruitment through to day to day life at the school. Successful applicants will be subject to relevant national police checks, please read our safeguarding information​.

Closing Date: 02 January 2022

Start Date: August 2022

Reference Number: PRITCH

Contract:  Full-time

Application Form
Application Form.docx
About JAS
About JAS 2020.pdf
Child Protection
JAS Child Protection Policy.pdf
This Job Description may be adjusted by the Headteacher according to the changing needs of the school. This post is subject to the conditions of employment contained in the Jebel Ali School contract and to work in line with new COVID guidelines in supporting students and staff.


Role Summary:

To carry out the professional duties of a teacher as circumstances may require and in accordance with the school's policies under the direction of the Principal and to work in line with new COVID guidelines in supporting students and staff.


Role Responsibilities:

To be responsible for the day to day smooth running of the classroom. 

As a member of a year group, to effectively plan and deliver the National Curriculum for the class in accordance with school policies, ensuring breadth, balance, and progression as appropriate for the age range and ability. 

To ensure teaching is of the highest quality in all areas and to provide appropriate expectation, challenge and interest in all lessons and activities. 

To carry out regular assessments of children, as required, in line with school policy, and to plan, as appropriate, to ensure all pupils make progress in line with their annual targets. 

To utilise appropriate resources so that lessons can be carefully differentiated and ensure full access for all children. 

To ensure the effective deployment of classroom support, where applicable.

To maintain discipline in accordance with school procedures and encourage good habits with regard to punctuality, behaviour, standards of work, homework etc.

To evaluate own teaching critically to improve effectiveness.

To keep up-to-date with developments in education through C.P.D. 

To be available to speak to parents as necessary.

To inspire students, setting high standards for both themselves and the students they teach through innovative practice based on research and current pedagogy.

A commitment to whole school initiatives, school improvement, and wider school community events. 

To seek to actively support and promote the School through positive public relations. 

Other duties and responsibilities:

Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified. The post holder is expected to comply with any reasonable request from the Primary Leadership Team to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description. This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the HT/Line Manager and will be reviewed regularly.




A qualified teacher with an appropriate teaching qualification (i.e. B.Ed and/or PGCE).

A full working knowledge of The National Curriculum for England and its associated assessment practices.


Have successful experiences of working with EAL students, students with SEND and those with gifts and talents. 

A strong focus on the pastoral care of children, understanding the balance between academic and social progress and support, as well as the ability to identify safeguarding concerns.

Excellent interpersonal skills and a positive approach to both individual and collaborative professional development. 

To whom responsible: Primary Headteacher

Jebel Ali School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students.  The successful candidate will be subject to relevant national police checks.

وفي سياق أخر أصدر الدكتور رضا حجازي، عدد من التوجيهات الهامة، للمدريات التعليمية والتي تضمنت الآتي: 

- ضرورة إبراز الجهود والإنجازات التي تبذلها القيادة السياسية، والحكومة؛ لاسيّما من خلال استعراض فيلم وثائقى؛ تم إعداده بواسطة الشئون المعنوية للقوات المسلحة، والذي يتضمن توثيقًا بالإنجازات التي قامت بها الدولة المصرية خلال فترة السبع سنوات الأخيرة.

- والإشارة إلى الكتاب الصادر عن مؤسسة الجمهورية تحت عنوان: " مصر السيسي وبناء الدولة الحديثة، سنوات من البناء والتنمية والتقدم 2021/2014  الطريق إلى الجمهورية الجديدة" والذي يتضمن هو الآخر توثيقًا بإنجازات الدولة المصرية في شكل كتاب شامل.

 قررت وزارة التربية والتعليم صرف 2400 جنيه حوافز للمعلمين في المرحلة الابتدائية ورياض الأطفال بواقع 3 شهور بقيمة 800 جنيه شهريا.

-  على مديرى المدارس بجميع مراحلها التنبيه على محررى الماهيات بسرعة عمل حوافز موجهي رياض الأطفال والصف الأول الابتدائي والصف الثاني والصف الثالث والرابع الابتدائي لمستحقي الحافز وذلك بعد التنسيق مع التعليم الابتدائى بواقع ثلاث أشهر أكتوبر ونوفمبر وديسمبر 2021.