الثلاثاء 01 أبريل 2025
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
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عاجل| كلية الامارات للتكنولوجيا تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس "من معيد إلي أستاذ".. ننشر نص الإعلان

الأحد 13/سبتمبر/2020 - 01:35 م

تعلن كلية الامارات للتكنولوجيا تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس "من معيد إلي أستاذ" وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:- 


The primary purpose of this role is to develop, manage, monitor and evaluate the internal quality and assessment processes conducted in Research Training Programs to ensure safe, impartial, valid and consistent assessment strategies and decisions to ensure consistency in assessment and provide support for the Vocational Education programs in Continuing Education Center. The incumbent is responsible for the summative and formative internal verification of NQA endorsed qualification, ensuring national occupational standards are met and its timely achievement. And quality assurance of all assessment process, ensure workplace assessments of individuals’ competence and performance meet relevant quality standards.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Verify assessment decisions and manage the quality of NQA endorsed qualification delivery, ensuring national standards are maintained and assessment needs of candidates are met
  • Ensure the quality of assessments are based on NQA framework standards
  • Responsible for developing, managing, monitoring and evaluating the internal quality and assessment processes conducted in Research Training Programs (RTP) to ensure safe, impartial, valid and consistent assessment strategies and decisions to ensure consistency in assessment
  • Assist the Manager – Vocational Education in ensuring proper implementation of the approved programs
  • Review and ensure that the assessment plan, assessment instruments and assessment decisions are aligned with qualification requirements
  • Develop proper system to monitor assessment practice and maintain standardization of assessment judgement ensuring assessors make valid decisions and candidates are assessed fairly.
  • Evaluate the performance of Assessors against the outcomes of quality assurance, planning and preparation , efficiency of the assessment strategy against requirements and expected outcomes and VETAC-endorsed national occupational skills standards for Assessors
  • Authenticate assessors’ judgements ensuring the expectations and results are standardized for consistency within an education and training organization and across industry
  • Provide Assessors with feedback, advice and support on performance, skills gaps and learning needs, standardization activities, continuing professional development activities
  • Authenticate assessors’ judgements so that expectations and results are standardized for
  • Register the students in NQA & ACTVET systems / software
  • Manage the educational process for new learners and prepare the timetable and learning map for each learner to complete the qualification requirements of National Qualification Authority
  • Assist the Manager – Vocational Education in developing and updating ‘Vocational Education’ policies and procedures in line with college rules and regulations
  • Assist the Manager – Vocational Education in aligning ‘Vocational Education’ business processes with the College’s strategic goals
  • Assist the Manager – Vocational Education in ensuring that the business systems, assessment processes and related activities are performed in accordance with the standards of relevant authorities
  • Identify and address the learning and development needs of assessors including realistic target dates of achievement of NQA composite award units for unqualified assessors, ensure assessors receive an appropriate level of introduction into the center.
  • Development of verification sampling strategy to include formative sampling, summative sampling, QA – including employer and learners’ interviews and assessor’s observation
  • Ensure the full embedding of all equal opportunities, policies and health & safety requirement (including safe learner concepts) are compiled with and all candidates are given fair access to assessment
  • Take responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students
  • Maintain Continuing Education Center’s file and up to date records related to assessors and internal verifications.
  • Provide the new learners who participate in qualification programs with all required information related to the standards
  •  Liaison with External Verifier, arrangement and preparations of data for their visit and follow up of action plan within specified time scale
  •  Maintain record for inspection purposes
  •  Provide guidance in maintaining accurate learner records in line with assessment requirements
  •  Ensure the completion, filing, and secure storage of evidence relating to internal quality assurance and assessment processes as well as the performance of assessors
  •  Maintain up-to-date knowledge of the multiple areas required to support Vocational Education programs
  • Provide necessary documents to the Manager – Vocational Education
  • Provide support to Manager – Vocational Education in creating product portfolios for Vocational Education Programs considering global Industry verticals and horizontal service offerings and the Industry standards

Academic Qualifications :

Bachelor’s Degree

Relevant Certification in Internal Verification

NQA qualified internal verifier or equivalent

Must hold one of the qualifications listed by Abu Dhabi center for Technical and vocational Education and Training

Professional Experience

Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar role.


More Information

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Sheikh Zayed was able to lay the foundation and the solid pillars of a strong state that has become a successful development model by all measures and a source of inspiration for states seeking progress.


Emirates College of Technology,
Fatima Bint Mubarak Street
(Al Najda Street previously), Al Danah,
Baniyas Tower B,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

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