الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

السبت 25/نوفمبر/2023 - 07:21 م

تعلن جامعة الشرقية العمانية عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:


Assistant professor/ Lecture in Medical Lab Sciences (Histology and Cytology)
College of Applied and Health Sciences Closing: Thu 30 Nov 2023
Job Function
Assistant Professor in Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) specialty in Histopathology and Cytology with capability to teach other MLS courses whenever required. He/she will provide service to the College، University and the Community.  

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس



To be responsible for the design and author content for Histopathology and Cytology  courses. The candidate is expected to teach whenever required other MLS related courses too.  
To be able to design and conduct hands on practical in the discipline of  Histopathology and Cytology
To be able to assist in designing and conducting other discipline practical courses required in Medical Laboratory Sciences 
To be able to assist in MLS curriculum design، review and development
To be able to supervise and counsel students on theoretical and Practical activities
To be able to assist in the administrative every day work concerning MLS programme

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس



Research and Consultancy

To pursue an internationally recognized program of research consistent with the research priorities of the College. 
To publish the outcomes of research in outlets of international standing.
To actively seek and secure external research funding. 
To supervise and manage research projects. 
To collaborate in research initiatives with colleagues beyond the College of Applied and Health Sciences as appropriate. 
To develop research and development collaboration with other organizations and institutes in order to secure additional research funding and consultancy income. 
To contribute to public engagement with research. 

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Contribution to External Engagement

To be involved in activities to raise the regional، national and international profile of the College and indeed the University. 
To forge advantageous relationships with key local and national bodies، organizations and companies.

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Other related activities and functions

To carry out specific college roles and functions as may be reasonably required.
To engage in training programs and continuous professional development which is consistent with the needs and aspirations of the Assistant/Associate Professor and the college. 
To take part in and manage، if required، staff seminars or more cross-college activities، functions and events such as Research day، Open days، and student recruitment events. 
To diligently support quality assurance and enhancement measures within the College and the University (e.g. by reviewing delivered courses annually، setting and receiving student feedback questionnaires)
To undertake any such duties as may be reasonably requested that are commensurate with the nature and grade of the post.    

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس



Minimum two years of teaching experience  in a recognized University. 
More than 2 years bench experience in Histopathology and Cytology
Experience in bench work in other disciplines of Medical Laboratory Sciences
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Demonstrated research experience
Record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Mandatory Skills:

Ability to teach، manage and assess undergraduate courses in related field.
Ability to develop course and program materials
Ability to work effectively as a team member
Ability to provide tutorial and academic advice to undergraduate students
Ability to attend University as required for scheduled teaching، relevant meetings and student support.
Desirable Skills:

Ability to develop and maintain independent research program and publish in international and high impact factor journals.
Ability to demonstrate leadership in outreach activities
Advanced interpersonal verbal and written communications skills.
Competence in IT skills 

جامعة الشرقية العمانية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


A holder of a PhD degree or Master Degree from a recognized University in Medical Laboratory Sciences field

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