السبت 22 فبراير 2025
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جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

الإثنين 04/يوليو/2022 - 11:02 م
جامعة الفجيرة
جامعة الفجيرة

تعلن جامعة الفجيرة عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:


Application posted date: 13 June 2022
Application expired date: 12 July 2022

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Department of Nursing

Assistant Professor in Medical Surgical Nursing

Job Description

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Responsibilities and Duties:

Support the Mission of the Function through:

Under the supervision of the Chair of Department delivers lectures and participates in all intervention programs of the department in its tactical، strategic، and operational management.  Together with the Chair of Department، administers، assess، and develop department’s

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


 programs; delivers complementary quality academic support services in terms of instruction، research، publication، community engagement، student advising، institutional research، and accreditation toward achieving the mission، program outcome، and strategic objectives of the college or program. Together with the college or program team،

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


 implements intervention programs in the design، execution، evaluation، and enhancement of curricular programs، marketing campaign and promotions of programs، their continuous process improvement (CPI)، and other elements of academic affairs that strengthen UOF’s visibility and reputation in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East region. Ensures timely and cost-effective delivery of academic programs by observing CAA STANDARDS 2019 and UAE-NQF critical to the overall performance of the department.

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Requirements and Experience:

D. in any related field or its equivalent with a nursing focus.
MSc Nursing with medical-surgical nursing specialization.
Professional Experience (Business/Industry):
Three to five (3-5) years related work experience in any academic institution or multi-national academic and training organization dealing with academic and training services، preferably in a mixed environment.
Simulation Laboratory experience with high- and medium fidelity manikins.
Minimum of 2 years of clinical experience as a Registered Nurse / Professional Nurse in a Hospital Environment.
Processes Experience (Project/Process):
Three to five (3-5) years of mix experience in curriculum development، accreditation، institutional research، community outreach، student advising، thesis/project advising.
Experience in test construction and assessment of learning.
Intercultural Experience (Cultural):
Multi-cultural diversity

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


Knowledge، Skills، and Competencies:

Philosophies of Teaching in Higher Education
Teaching، Guidance، Classroom Management and Interpersonal Skills
Legal، Social and Ethical Philosophical Foundations of Higher Education
Assessment of Learning (Test، Measurement and Evaluation)
Instruction، Curriculum Development، Accreditation، Research and

جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس


 Publication Skills
Analytical، creative and adaptive program planning design skills
Technical Writing Skills
Teambuilding and interpersonal relations Skills
Time Management
Customer Service Excellence
Assistant Professor in Medical Surgical Nursing
Assistant Professor in Medical Surgical Nursing
Personal Information