الجمعة 07 مارس 2025
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
محمد ابراهيم نافع
رئيس التحرير
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للتعاقد الفوري.. جامعة البحرين تعلن عن وظائف أكاديمية جديدة شاغرة "أستاذ - أستاذ مشارك"

الخميس 19/مايو/2022 - 12:46 م

تعلن جامعة البحرين عن وظائف أكاديمية جديدة شاغرة "أستاذ - أستاذ مشارك" وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:



The University of Bahrain, College of Arts is in the process of offering an academic post to suitable application for (Lecturer) for the academic year  2022/2023.  

Department Of English Language &Literature

  1. MA in EFL or Apply Linguistics.

Conditions and Requirements :

  1. Must have an M.Sc. degree from a recognized university as relevant to the field of specialization.
  2. Must have experience in teaching for at least 4 years for lecturer in English language skills at university level, at a recognized university.

Applications Must Include:

  1. Copy of curriculum vitae (CV).
  2. Copy of the academic degree certificates (BA, MA), or equivalents, and transcript of records certified by the official authorities.
  3. Copy of work experience certificates.
  4. Copy of the passport for the applicant, his/her spouse and children.
  5. Career degree certificate.
  6. Two recent photographs of the applicant.
  7. Two recommendation letters, one of which should be from the last employer.
  8. List of publications and research projects together with copies of abstracts.
  9. Permanent residence address, email and telephone numbers.


  1. Hard copy application will not be considered.
  2. Please make sure to send the required documents in English.
  3. Applications that don’t meet the minimum requirements will not be considered.
  4. The University will get in touch with successful applications only.
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