الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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كلية الشمال الأطلنطي القطرية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس.. ننشر نص الإعلان

الثلاثاء 23/نوفمبر/2021 - 12:38 م

 تعلن كلية الشمال الأطلنطي القطرية عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

التفاصيل والتقديم من خلال الموقع الرسمي هناااااا

Assistant or Associate Professor in Mathematics

 Doha, Qatar
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class higher education institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNAQ)....
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....
Job Role: AdministrationCareer Level: Mid Career
College/Department Profile The College of the North Atlantic Qatar is inviting nominations and applications for the position of Business Development Specialist in...
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
College/Department Profile The College of the North Atlantic Qatar is inviting applications for the position of Part Time Information Technology Instructor in the...
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The College of the North Atlantic Qatar is inviting applications for the position of Part Time Language Instructor in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE)...
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....
Job Role: Teaching and AcademicsCareer Level: Mid Career
The beautiful and culturally progressive State of Qatar is home to the world class post secondary institution, College of the North Atlantic ndash; Qatar (CNA Q)....