الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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الجامعة الخليجية البحرينية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة شاغرة لـ"حملة الماجستير والدكتوراه"

الإثنين 20/سبتمبر/2021 - 12:15 م

تعلن الجامعة الخليجية البحرينية عن وظائف جديدة شاغرة لـ"حملة الماجستير والدكتوراه" وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

لمزيد من التفاصيل من خلال تعبئة نموذج التوظيف وإرسال الاوراق الرسمية علي الموقع الرسمي هنااااا

Job Profile 

Job Title:  Assistant Professor in Content creation & management for digital platforms. 
Department: Mass Communication and Public Relations 
Program: Master's degree in Mass Communication
College: Administrative and Financial Science

Introduction: The Master of Media program at the Gulf University is designed to develop the media competencies for students; who wish to keep abreast of the remarkable developments in specialized media studies, public opinion measurements, local and international media management, and linking them to the local community. By developing their knowledge in the fields of media and developing research methods and their skills. It also targets students with some prior experience in the media.

Expected Qualifications: 
PhD degree in Content creation & management for digital platforms.
Membership of a Media and Mass communication professional body is desirable.
A TOT Professional certificate from Adobe is desirable.
Expected Experience: 
A minimum of three years’ experience of teaching different courses in Content creation & management for digital platforms (in the specialization and other related courses).
A minimum of two years of relevant industrial experience in the field of specialization.
Experience in developing course specifications as per the National Qualification Framework and international accreditation standards.
Experience in utilizing different software relevant to the Media specialization.

 Required Skills: 
Ability to create and maintain effective work relationships with staff.
Ability to develop teaching curriculum and manage quality enhancement in the higher education environment.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. 
Solid research experience in the field of specialization.
Ability to teach both in Arabic and English language. 

Rules and Responsibilities: 
Teaching and learning: must be able to deliver classes for different levels of the program's specialization domains.
Contribute to different committees at college and university levels that support the achievement of the program mission.
Research engagement: must be engaged in different research and scholarly activities related to the specialization field.
Community engagement: contributes to different community engagement activities organized by the college and university.

Documents needed: 
Application Form.
Copy of earned credential (BSc, Master, and PhD).
Current Curriculum Vitae. 
Cover letter. 
Teaching, learning, and research philosophy.
Three referees' contact information (email as well their telephone numbers).
Any additional documentation that you feel is relevant to your application.