مدرسة كويتية كبري تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات.. ننشر نص الإعلان
السبت 03/يوليو/2021 - 11:05 ص
تعلن مدرسة كويتية كبري عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:
Vacancies for SY 21-22
Accepting applications for School Year 2021-2022
International Hire
Hiring Outstanding Pre-K – Grade 12 Educators for School Year 2021-2022.
We seek candidates who hold qualified educational degrees and valid US Certification. We are looking for candidates who promote, recognize and use technology based learning models in a cooperative learning community for teachers and students.
INTERNATIONAL HIRE BENEFITS: AUS offers a competitive salary package, transportation cost, housing, medical insurance, visa sponsorship, annual home leave and relocation allowance. Teachers with school-age children enjoy free tuition.