الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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كبري المدارس القطرية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات.. ننشر نص الإعلان

الأربعاء 12/مايو/2021 - 07:36 م

تعلن كبري المدارس القطرية عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:


The English Modern School / English Modern Kindergarten is a masterpiece in progress and seeks resilient and dedicated educators who want to help develop programs and make a difference in a school. We offer educators significant opportunities for professional growth through in-school training and coaching and available on-site graduate courses delivered by Buffalo State University (SUNY) Master’s Program. Preferred candidates are couples or singles with no dependents and native English speakers who are familiar with best instructional practices.

At EMS / EMKG we are committed to enabling every student to achieve the very best they can and we believe we can reach our goal by outstanding teaching and learning. We are looking for someone who complements our beliefs by a commitment to making a difference in our student’s lives and to raising the expectations and achievements of our students with creativity, enthusiasm and sensitivity.

You will become a member of a dynamic team who are creative, energetic and determined to give our students the best possible opportunity to benefit from an outstanding education.

If you are a motivated individual with a keen interest in encouraging and inspiring students to love learning and providing the foundations for a successful future we are looking for you. We can offer you a highly rewarding teaching experience in a supportive and caring environment.

(The ideal candidate MUST have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with teaching experience)




(If you are interested to work in our school please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected])

*2021-2022 VACANCIES



(If you are interested to work in our school please email your CV and cover letter  to [email protected])

*2021-2022 VACANCIES

There are no open positions at this time.



(If you are interested to work in our school please email your CV and cover letter  to [email protected])

*2021-2022 VACANCIES

There are no open positions at this time.



(If you are interested to work in our school please email your CV and cover letter  to [email protected])

*2021-2022 VACANCIES

There are no open positions at this time.