الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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جامعة البحرين تعلن عن وظائف جديدة شاغرة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

الجمعة 16/أبريل/2021 - 11:43 ص
جامعة -البحرين
جامعة -البحرين

تعلن جامعة البحرين عن وظائف جديدة شاغرة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا للإعلان التالي:

للتقدسم اضغط هنا

The University of Bahrain, College of Arts is in the process of offering several academic posts at various levels (Professor / Associate Professor). For the academic year 2020/2021  

Department Of Communication, Tourism and Arts

  1. Mass Communication & Media (Advertising, Public Relations Broadcasting and Film). 
  2. Graphic Design.
  3. Interactive Media. 
  4. Creative Technologies and Multimedia. 
  5. Hospitality and Travel & Tourism.   

Recruitment Requirements :

  1. Must have a PhD degree in the disciplines mentioned above from a recognized university.
  2. Must have published research papers and literature in reputed journals.
  3. Must be fluent in both Arabic and English. English language must be excellent for foreign applicants .
  4. Must have technical skills to perform digital instructional tasks.
  5. have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  6. Applicants should have worked in recognized university and have a minimum of 5 years.

Applications Must Include:

  1. Curriculum vitae (C.V.). with recent personal photo.
  2. A photo copy of the applicants qualifications (Bachelor, and Masters, and PhD)    
  3. An authenticated work experience certificates.
  4. A copy of the passport of the applicant and escorts.
  5. Three letters of recommendation.
  6. Digital Portfolio of art works and designs (for applicants for Graphic Design and Arts program).


  1. Applications that do not meet the recruitment conditions will not be accepted.
  2. The University of Bahrain will contact the suitable candidates.