للتعاقد الفوري.. جامعة الفجيرة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس
الإثنين 22/مارس/2021 - 09:26 م

تعلن جامعة الفجيرة عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:
للتقدم اضغط هنا
وتعد جامعة الفجيرة مؤسسة أكاديمة شبه حكومية غير ربحية تملكها جمعية الفجيرة الخيرية، حصلت على الترخيص من وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي في إبريل 2006 وحصلت على الاعتماد الأكاديمي من هيئة الاعتماد الأكاديمي بوزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي للبرامج التي تقدمها في 16 أغسطس من العام نفسه. تسعى جامعة الفجيرة إلى نشر التعليم والوعي الثقافي والفكري في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بشكل عام وامارة الفجيرة بشكل خاص وكما أنها حريصة جدا على تقديم التعليم إلى جميع الجنسيات والأديان وهي لاتقتصر فقط على التعليم الجامعي حيث يتبع لها مركز تعليم المستمر لإعطاء العديد من الدورات في كافة المجالات، وتعتبر الكلية صرح رائد في امارة الفجيرة .
Faculty required at College of Business Administration
- Associate Professor
- Highest Qualification: PhD (Finance or any other Quantitative areas)
- Field of specialization: Finance or any other Quantitative area
- Possible areas to teach:
- Quantitative Research, Operations Management
- Corporate Financial Management
- Quantitative Analysis for Business etc
- Publications required: 20 preferably with some Scopus indexed Journals
- Relevant Documents: Highest degree must be attested and equalized as per the Ministry of UAE.
- Assistant Professor
- Highest Qualification: PhD (Marketing & General Business)
- Field of specialization: Marketing & General Business areas
- Possible areas to teach:
- Marketing Management
- International Business
- Marketing & General Business areas
- Possible date of Joining: August 20, 2021
- Publications required: 5- 10 preferably with some Scopus indexed Journals
- Relevant Documents: Highest degree must be attested and equalized as per Ministry of UAE.
- Knowledge and Skills Requirements:
- Fluent in English and Arabic Language.
- Advanced Skills in Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Photoshop, InDesign, Computer Applications, Multi-Media Applications and Preferably with work experience in Distance Learning Environment.
- Competencies:
- Solid background and competency in curriculum development and accreditation Standards
- With advanced knowledge and experience in writing academic program specifications
- Excellent experience in preparing Initial Accreditations, Self-Studies, replies to ERT reports.
- Can deal with inspection and accreditation bodies of new and old programs as per the CAA at the MOE in the United Arab Emirates and other international accrediting bodies.
- Excellent in leading team and meeting accreditation deadlines.
- Responsibilities:
- Required to work for 40 hours per week spread over five working days as per academic calendar and carry responsibilities in instruction, research and publication, participation in governance particularly in Committee on Program Effectiveness, community engagement, student advising, and administrative tasks.
- Teach 12 credit courses at the undergraduate and nine (9) credit courses for graduate programs for terminal degree holders; and 15 credit courses for master degree holders for every semester.
- Deliver, monitor, evaluate, and enhance assigned courses
- Allocate a minimum of one (1) hour a week for each course (e.g. 4 courses = 4 hours) to provide consultation services for students for that particular course.
- Supervise students who are enrolled in the internship program, thesis, integrated paper, and another related capstone; and, ensure that they receive technical guidance by providing concepts, theories and models academically operationalized them appropriately to the particular research work to come up with a Standard academic paper.
- Write course reports on or before the end of the semester, and ensure that course files are properly documented with appropriate evidence and submit at the end of the semester