الأحد 23 فبراير 2025
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جامعة الخليج البحرينية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس في مختلف التخصصات

الخميس 18/مارس/2021 - 01:10 م
 جامعة الخليج البحرينية
جامعة الخليج البحرينية

تعلن جامعة الخليج البحرينية عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس في مختلف التخصصات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:

Gulf University (GU) is a connection of diverse people, academic research and learning, that provides simultaneous professional skills and personal experiences in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Explore the job opportunities available at GU for the administrative or academic post and expand your limitless career potential with GU

GU seeks a wide diversity of farsighted faculty and equally talented staff.  We welcome people from different backgrounds, encourage exchange of ideas, and inspire people to seek knowledge.
We are committed to employing and retaining the positive and dynamic faculty and staff.

At GU, teaching methodologies focus on student achievement by integrating technology into the classroom.The teaching language in the ‘College of Engineering’ and ‘College of Computer Engineering and Science’ is English. The teaching languages in the ‘College of Administrative & Financial Sciences’ are English and Arabic except for the ‘Communication and Public Relations’ Program where the teaching language is Arabic.


For Faculty, teaching can take place between the hours of 8:00 am and 9:00 pm Saturday to Thursday, though you may work different shifts depending on the classes you teach. Faculty members usually teach a maximum of 5 classes per week and are expected to be within the college for a specified ‘office hours’ and ‘advising hours’ per week in order to be available if students require additional assistance.

Administrative and Non-Faculty

Working hours for Administrative and other non-faculty positions are typically from 8:00am to 4:00pm from Sunday to Thursday with a break from 12:00 – 12:30pm. Saturday working hours are from 8:00am to 1:00pm.

Application Instructions:

  1. Print out the application form.
  2. Choose an opening which suits your qualifications from below.
  3. Fill out the application handwritten.
  4. You must fill out all sections and answer all questions.
  5. You must fill the application form yourself.
  6. Sign the application form.
  7. Scan the application form and email it to: [email protected]

The following statements will nullify your application and will not be considered for process:

  1. "See attached" is not acceptable
  2. "See CV" is not acceptable
  3. Salary expectation "negotiable" is not acceptable, candidate must specify
  4. "Will provide later" or "upon request" is not acceptable
  5. Typed applications will not be accepted


Job Opportunities:

* Administrative Posts:  Gulf University accepts applications and CVs all year long in the following departments. Once an opportunity arises for a position is open HR will contact the potential and shortlisted candidates.

1. Library Assistant - Diploma / Bachelor Degree
2. Student Affairs Assistant (including life events and clubs specialists) - Diploma / Bachelor Degree
3. Quality Assurance with Academic ExperienceCandidates must have a minimum of 3 years experience in their respective fields applying for.

Please mention in the subject line the position you are applying for as per above list.
Send CV + GU application form + degrees + CPR to: [email protected]

* Academic Posts:

1. Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Interior Design)
2. Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Human Resource Management)
3. Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Mass Communication, Media and Communication)
4. Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Accounting and Finance)
5. Lecturer (English Language)

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