الثلاثاء 01 أبريل 2025
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جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس.. ننشر نص الإعلان

الإثنين 23/نوفمبر/2020 - 04:11 م

تعلن جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:-

Search Postings

Matched Posting(s) : 63  

Posting Department Close Date Vacancies

Professor Nutrition & Health - (CFA) open until filled 1

Instructor Chemistry - (COS) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor Agribusiness &Consumer Sci. - (CFA) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor (Engineering) Engineering Requirement Unit (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Biochemical Genetic) Pediatrics - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Molecular and Genomics) Pathology - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Special Education Full-time Instructor Special Education - (CEDU) open until filled 1

Professor - International Private Law Private Law - (CL) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor in omics and system biology (transcription and metabolomic) Biology - (COS) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Medical Education) Medical Education - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Assistant / Associate Professor (Aerospace dynamics and control) Mechanical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate Professor (Highway/Transportation Engineering) Civil & Environmental Enginr.-(COE) open until filled 1

Assistant / Associate Professor in Strategic Management Leadership & Orgn. Agility-(CBE) open until filled 1

Associate Professor Chemical & Petroleum - (COE) open until filled 1

Faculty Position (EE/Computer Engineering) Electrical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Faculty Position (EE/Computer Engineering) Electrical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor Medical Education - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Instructor in Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

EE Faculty position/Communication Engineering Electrical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate Professor - Obstetrics & Gynecology - (CMHS Obstetrics & Gynecology - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Assistant/Associate Professor, General (Internal) Medicine & Clinical Cardiology Consultant Internal Medicine - (CMHS) open until filled 1

Associate Professor Chemical & Petroleum - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor (Thermo-Fluids / Energy) Mechanical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor - Chemical Engineering Architectural Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor Social Wellbeing- (CHSS) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor in Agricultural Hydrology and Irrigation Systems Engineering Integrative Agriculture- (CFA) open until filled 1

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor (Power Electronics) Electrical Engineering - (COE) open until filled 1

Assistant Professor Geography and Urban Sustain.-(CHSS) 31-12-2020 1

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering - (COE) open until filled 2

Assistant/Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship/Innovation Innovation,Tech. & Entr. -(CBE)