الأحد 22 ديسمبر 2024
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
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عاجل| جامعة صحار العمانية تعلن عن ظائف جديدة لأعضاءهيئة التدريس .. ننشر نص الإعلان

الخميس 19/نوفمبر/2020 - 02:10 م

تعلن جامعة صحار العمانية تعلن عن ظائف جديدة لأعضاءهيئة التدريس وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:-



1 Vacancies


Non Academic

1 Vacancies


Total Applications

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Current Vacancies

Select your preferred Position Details to apply

We recruit, appoint and retain a work force that reflects our commitment to the vision, mission and values of our community.

Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to be employed in Oman. New employees must provide documents verifying their citizenship and other credentials to work in Oman. Employment is also contingent on a successful completion of a reference and background check.

In the University, we give equal opportunity for employment based on laws in Sultanate of Oman and hire individuals, promote them based on their qualifications which match with law in Sultanate of Oman without regard to race, colour, religion and gender.

CV submitted Status

Current status of number of application applied as per current date

Assistant Professor in Physical EducationFaculty Of Education & Arts3
Operational ManagerIntaj Sohar12