الثلاثاء 01 أبريل 2025
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عاجل| كبري الجامعات الكويتية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس"من معيد إلي أستاذ".. ننشر نص الإعلان

الخميس 17/سبتمبر/2020 - 11:30 ص

تعلن كبري الجامعات الكويتية عن وظائف جديدة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس"من معيد إلي أستاذ" وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:-

Thank you for your interest in employment with AC-Kuwait. It is a great time to get to know us and be part of an international dynamic team of professionals building Kuwait’s first Canadian college.

To explore current opportunities or to apply online, click on the job title of the position that matches your competencies and fields of interests.


Competition Number Job Title Closing Date
ACKW-001-01 Coordinator, Student Recruitment & Admissions Closed
ACKW-001-02 Officer, Student Registration Closed
ACKW-002-01 Faculty, Business Accounting Closed
ACKW-002-02 Faculty, Business Marketing Closed
ACKW-002-03 Faculty, Business Management & Entrepreneurship Closed
ACKW-002-04 Faculty, Language-Communication & Media Closed
ACKW-002-05 Faculty, Computer Programming Closed
ACKW-002-06 Faculty, Mathematics Closed
ACKW-002-07 Coordinator, Student Success Center Closed
ACKW-002-06 Librarian Closed
ACKW-002-06 Faculty, Mathematics Closed
ACKW-001-03 Coordinator, Student Life

For more information please contact [email protected] We thank all interested parties; however, only those applicants under consideration will be contacted.

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