الثلاثاء 01 أبريل 2025
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
محمد ابراهيم نافع
رئيس التحرير
محمد الصايم
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عاجل| مدرسة الأحمدي الكويتية تعلن عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات.. ننشر نص الإعلان

الإثنين 27/يوليو/2020 - 08:46 م

تعلن مدرسة الأحمدي الكويتية عن وظائف جديدة للمعلمين والمعلمات وفقا لنص الإعلان التالي:-

School of Ahmadi. If you are interested in joining our teaching or leadership team please review our vacancies and the applicant requirements.


Applicants should be native speakers of English, unless applying for Arabic, Islamic Studies, support staff

Bachelor's degree from a North American, UK, Irish, Australian or New Zealand university in a subject relevant to the position

Teaching licence, endorsement or certification

Minimum of 2 years experience


To be considered for a position please submit the following documents to [email protected]

(1) a cover letter

(2) current resume/CV

(3) copies of bachelor degree and transcript

(4) background/police check

(5) passport copy

(6) contact details of 3 referees

    • Links

    • Contact

      • American School of Ahmadi
      • +965 60078991 (mobile hotline and WhatsApp) +965 23981568
      • Street 32, Block 4 South Ahmadi Kuwait
      • 90078991
    • Login

    • English Teacher for Grades 3 & 4

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Western, native English, qualified, Teachers with a minimum of 2 years experience holding a Bachelor degree in Education or English are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree

        by email to [email protected]
    • Elementary Science & Math Teacher

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Western, native English, qualified, Teachers with a minimum of 2 years experience holding a Bachelor degree in Education,Math or Science are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree

        by email to [email protected]
    • KG1 Homeroom Teacher

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Workload:Full-timeContract start:August 2020
        Requirements:Western, native English, qualified, Teachers with a minimum of 2 years experience holding a Bachelor degree in Education, Psychology or Early Years are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree copy in Psychology, Education, Early Childhood

        by email to [email protected] stating in the subject line the position applying for and your name
    • Arabic Teacher Gr3-5

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Qualified ArabicTeachers to teach in Upper Elementary with a minimum of 2 years experience holding a Bachelor degree in Arabic are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree

        by email to [email protected]
    • Islam & Quran KG Teacher

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Qualified KG Islam Teachers with a minimum of 2 years experience holding a Bachelor degree in Islam or Shariah are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree

        by email to [email protected]
    • Teaching Assistant

      • Workload:
        Contract start:
        August 2020

      • Requirements:
        Teaching Assistants reqyired for KG and Elementary holding a Bachelor degree in Education, English, Math, Science are welcome to submit their:

        * resume / CV
        * cover letter
        * passport copy
        * bachelor degree

        by email to [email protected]